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The Beman Project

Left ImageSupporting the efficient design and adoption of the highest quality C++ standard librariesRight Image


The Beman Project’s mission is to support the efficient design and adoption of the highest quality C++ Standard libraries through implementation experience, user feedback, and technical expertise. Founded at C++Now in 2024 the project strives to aggregate libraries proposed for ISO standardization making a simple usage experience for the C++ Community to try out new libraries. For library authors we assist by helping to make best modern development practices easy. Including CI, coverage, and packaging. This project is a completely volunteer effort. Please connect with us on our discourse if you’d like to help.

For Library Users

The Beman Project strives to be a distributor of a single-download library collection for C++ libraries proposed for standardization. Our goals are to provide stable distributions that match with the latest versions of C++ proposals. (check The Beman Libraries page). Please note that it’s early days for the project so we’re still building our tooling and other details – please join the discussion at our discourse .

For Library Authors

Submission into the Beman Project is easy – start a discussion on our discourse and the welcome team will help get you started. A general precondition is an intent to submit a library for standardization. If you don’t have repository yet, or you want to upgrade to our standard we can help. Once your library is ready and has a paper, we’ll include it in the Beman super project . Please note that it’s early days for the project so we’re still building our tooling and other details.